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Question for those already living in Australia


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Hi All,

Silly question coming up (but thats just me all over !!!)


ok each time i need to put my washing on the line it is always covered and im mean well covered in webs and they are so sticky i almost end up in a tangled mess my self.


Now my line (hills hoist i think its is) is not that close to any trees bushes etc - so can anyone please tell me if there is anything that i can spray onto the line to stop the buggers using it as web hot spot - (wasnt sure about mortein in case it harmed the clothes)


i can faintly hear laughter & thoughts like bloody stupid woman but this is a woman thing!!!!!


just dreading the day i open the door fly screen and walk into a door web !!!!!!!! LOL



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I dont think I have ever had a web on my clothes line. We currently dont have a HH but even when we did I dont think it was ever webby. I would give it a big brush down then spray it with surface spray and not put any clothes on it for a few days. If you didnt fancy having surface spray on your clothes then hose it down (did I really say that??? just be sneaky about wasting water) and let it dry before you put them on. Then repeat the process a few times. I would imagine that the webmakers are living inside the nooks and crannies - down the central shaft perhaps - if you dont have it near trees and bushes.

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Try spraying on some COBWEB ELIMINATOR (got it at bunnings) ,you then brush the webs off and it leaves a film so they cant re build them ,ive used it inside and around the windows outside succesfully,so it may work,,good luck

Cal x


thanks for the tip I'm going to go and buy some too as my mum arrived Saturday and she had the little spider that's been living on our washing line for weeks in her bed. We shook everything out as well but obviously didn't do a good job. Never had one in ours since we got here suppose we just broke her into Oz a bit quicker than most eh!!!


Lucky it wasn't the huntsman that was sitting on there the day before, now that would have given her a heartattack!!!!!!

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Guest Ian&Lou



l've got the answer for you...get a maid! Then you wont have to do anything and she can kill all the spiders etc!:twitcy:

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Guest Ian&Lou

haha!! NO!!! There is no way I am going to be anyone's maid...I'm gonna have my own so that I can spend all day at yours and Jo's and at the beach (just dont tell Ian!).

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Guest jonseywife

Well girls..... I would'nt eveen hang the washing out or get it in on my own for the first couple of weeks we moved out here, I always had to have someone with me..... I was sooo paranoid about the spiders!! :shocked:

I even know of people that used the tumble dryer all the time at first !! :yes:

Now, Im really brave and do it all on my own.. so Im well pleased with myslef :biglaugh:

I also get that spray that stops the cobwebs forming anywhere you spray it... so gets yourself some quick girls !!!

Good luck with the maid hunting too.... send her down to Melbourne for me please after!

sally-ann x

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Guest fatpom

ok each time i need to put my washing on the line it is always covered and im mean well covered in webs and they are so sticky i almost end up in a tangled mess my self.




Its just Candy Floss... eat it!!!

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i will not be washing any clothes in australia we will all just have to stink that sounds like my worst nightmare finding a spider in my bed yuck or worse what if one latched itself to socks or undies!!!


i really dont like the sound of all these cobwebs you are making out like there are just spiders jumping out making big webs to trap me in all over the place please tell me its not THAT bad or i really wont do any washing im bad enough over here and i always find spiders in my pegs all curled up and i run off up the garden screaming with the washing scattered all over the grass!!!

:biglaugh: girls you do make me laugh, the spiders aint too really they just get on the line overnight & also i now take my pegs off the line as the fruit bats keep poooping on my pegs, the worst thing i have heard so far is someone found a snake in her washing machine not so long back apprently went through the waste pipe somehow from outside -

now thats bloody scary !!!!!!!!

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The washing line isnt a problem ,its getting from the front door to the car or anywhere really without walking through an invisable double strength web ,and then doing the ''pommy dance'' (as we now call it)to see if the web maker has latched onto your head or back!!!(sorry chelle)lol

Cal x

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Guest dwaldron

Why can't you get a strong surface spray (from bunnings) and spray it on the first 4 feet or so of the washing line "stem" which will stop them crawling up?

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I was just about to say, dont keep your pegs on the line! the little buggers hide in the pegs and spin webs all night to annoy the hell out of us! Have you found any white tails/bees wasps or whaver they are called etc in your washing when you get inside? :wideeyed:

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Guest Ian&Lou
:biglaugh: girls you do make me laugh, the spiders aint too really they just get on the line overnight & also i now take my pegs off the line as the fruit bats keep poooping on my pegs, the worst thing i have heard so far is someone found a snake in her washing machine not so long back apprently went through the waste pipe somehow from outside -

now thats bloody scary !!!!!!!!



What the.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I am so going to get a maid to do it all....or at least Ian to put the stuff in and out of the machine!

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Guest pabloke99

Do you have any photos of these cobwebs and spiders, so that we know what we're letting ourselves in for?

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It dosent seem to stop there, the little blighters are every where,

often we have webbs which are right across the driveway - they attach them selves to the bushes and then link onto the car and over to the other side of the diveway,

often when we come home from a night out we walk to the front door waving our arms in front of us (as if we are complete loonies) just so our arms hit the webbs first and we dont go face into them.

We get webbs on all the garden furniture and the deck and the whole of the outside of the house, wheelie bins, letter box, bbq, so you really have to keep up with the spraying of mortein to stop the buggers -

the red backs arent too bad as they are small enough to squash - its the huntsmen with their humongus body & legs and little jiggy dance that they do that scare the $%#& out of me.

Perhaps we should start a thread about this type of experinces to pre warn you good folk in the uk - as they say fore warned is fore armed !!!!


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Guest pabloke99

Look pretty annoying,


Have you tried rigging a car battery to the clothes-airer with a couple of crocodile cips?


Obviously a blokes suggestion, but just curious whether it would work.

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Id probably forget to disconnect it!!!lol,,

Chelle dont worry about my neighbours they are immune to my screams now ,lol,,doubt yours will be much different ,even the guy across the road laughs at me now ,i went to retrieve my mail from the end of the drive and when i lifted the lid a humongous green tree frog was sat on all the letters,,as for scream ,suppose you could call it that!!lmao(now)

Cal x

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Guest Ron & Chel

Hi Gizmo got some real bad news for you as you know my sister lives just up the road from you at avoca and a couple of years ago was getting the washing in and got bit by a spider she collapsed and was rushed into hospital but the Dr did tell us that we had to be prepared for the worse and sure enough the worst happend she turned into spider woman ha ha lol .No joking aside she did get bit from something while collecting her washing she thinks it may of been a spider who had got in the clothes she felt poorly for a few days afterwards

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Guest pabloke99
Hi Gizmo got some real bad news for you as you know my sister lives just up the road from you at avoca and a couple of years ago was getting the washing in and got bit by a spider she collapsed and was rushed into hospital but the Dr did tell us that we had to be prepared for the worse and sure enough the worst happend she turned into spider woman ha ha lol .No joking aside she did get bit from something while collecting her washing she thinks it may of been a spider who had got in the clothes she felt poorly for a few days afterwards

That's nothing...


In our garden in Suffolk we had a giant mutant hedgehog that ate all the fish in our pond and beat up our Alsation.


Not really...I just wanted to make England sound interesting, which isn't easy.



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